Princess Senshi

The Princess's were hand-made by me (except for Queen and Neo-Queen Serenity) so please only use these in the adoption form.

Queen Serenity

Neo-Queen Serenity
Princess Mercury
Princess Mars
Princess Jupiter
Princess Venus

Princess Neptune
Princess Uranus
Princess Pluto
Princess Saturn
Future Serenity

Princess Neo Queen Serenity Was
Adopted with love By Kassie

Eternal Senshi

All of the eternal senshi were hand edited by me...@.@...after hours of putting the wings on these things I would most definetely appreciate it only if you use them in the adoption form ^^.

Eternal Moon
Eternal Merc
Eternal Mars
Eternal Jupiter
Eternal Venus
Eternal Chibi

Eternal Uranus
Eternal Neptune
Eternal Pluto
Eternal Saturn

Eternal Uranus Was
Adopted with love
By Kassie

Asteriod Senshi

Sailor Ceres
Sailor Juno
Sailor Pallas
Sailor Vesta

Sailor Ceres Was
Adopted with love
By Kassie